Monday, September 25, 2006

So, this is a nice example of one of my gfriends co-workers. Behind here clickable, erhh, nose, there's a gallery with normal people. Like me. It's the personeelsuitje gallery! We had fun, we've been to a musical called Beauty & The Beast. (Some one SHOOT that beast!) And after that we had a nice dinner at Roel's. Jeej. Thank's. Posted by Picasa

Friday, September 22, 2006

The following link may change your ideas of me forever!
So, be warned. I found my FAVORITE music video of all times on Youtube. This so rules. You knew, I once (in a galaxy far far far away and certainly a long time ago...) had a girfriend who looked like the singer of the song. (She slapped my best friend with a hockeystick :)). But anyhow, here's the link. (Press either link or here).

Monday, September 18, 2006

Now THIS is a good combo. El Cheapo beer, a X360 and an ashtray waiting to be used! (Do't worry kids, I don't do drugs. Drugs are bad) Let the Sjaakster come, I'm ready! Posted by Picasa
Aaaaaahhh! Pre-dinner monday chill on the couch! God I love my pants! Real authentic genuine Adidas 3 stripe with buttons! (Yes, those are the ones you can almost rip off single handedly...not funny) Yust watching tv. And after that, my matee (mai-tee) called and he's comming over! We'll probably end up in a fierce C&C game or something. Jeej :) Posted by Picasa

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Today, I'm superlame... and I really do mean superlame. Yesterday, I've worked from 12 to 12 and had to start again the next morning at 8. That sucked. They've decided at Mediamarkt to count all the stuff they have. Don't know the english word for that. But hey, It was some nasty work. Counting cable's and stuf like that. But hey, I survived. What I'm gonna do now is eat, and then sleap on the couch 'till CSI aprox 8 thirty... Jeej. And, after that, sleep some more. *yaaaaaaaawn* Nightynight... Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

These are the pictures from the trip to Sweden wich I made with a fellow designer and a staff member of the Zeeuws museum. It was an intense two-day trip. I've learned so much. Thank you Zeeuws museum, thank you Clevermedia. Click on the picture to see the gallery... Enjoy :) Posted by Picasa
World, meet Freddy! Freddy, meet world. :)
This is one of my pets Freddy the male rat. He's so cute and cuddly. That's al he be fed and stroked. Nice friendly creature. And some of you might wonder "doesn't Freddy have a friend?" Yes, he does. Me. He had one other "roommate", but he died in may. He seems much happier now. I think he's verry anti-social against other rats. Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Jeej! Onehundred visitors!
Congrats to myself :) And everyone helping me with accomplishing this goal. Thanks. Keep up the good work. Leaving in an hour or 6 to Sweden! Full coverage after the weekend!

Monday, September 04, 2006

"Crocks Rule!"

Steve Irwin February 22, 1962 – September 4, 2006 Posted by Picasa
This.....This is what happens when you go like a fiesta that is called de Bossche ploegen Meerkamp, or BPM in short. It was a tough/rough weekend. But above all, it was fun. Jus click on the picture to see the complete gallery. Or, if that doesn't work. click here, here or here. Posted by Picasa