Anyhow. Superman Returns... In the beginning a bit cheezy, in the ending SUPER cheezy. That S is made out of cheddar. Boy, was that film cheezy. But, it didn't matter. Why? Because it made me feel good. I heard the tune, and yes, got the shivers....good one's. Same one I get when hearing Star Wars tunes (Might have to do something with the composer of the two themes...) And then the visuals, wich were great, and clumsy Kent. Good old Kent. Super Nerd. Don't know, don't care. Oh and Lois as a side dish. It was part of the main plot of the film, Lois and her superman obsession (and a LITTLE surprise :)). But somehow my mind saw throug that, well, more around it. I didn't mind the romantic ickies at all.
Well, to make a verry long story short: I went to the cinema, sat down for 2 hours, *sigh* -ted, smiled and felt good. And that's what it's all about. Feeling good. Have a nice night! (or a good morning in Esther's case...)